- alkali cellulose
- alkali selüloz
English-Turkish dictionary. 2013.
English-Turkish dictionary. 2013.
alkali cellulose — šarminė celiuliozė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Celiuliozės ir 12–18% NaOH tirpalo sąveikos produktas. atitikmenys: angl. alkali cellulose rus. щелочная целлюлоза ryšiai: sinonimas – alkaliceliuliozė … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
alkali cellulose — noun : a compound of cellulose with an alkali (as sodium hydroxide) formed during the mercerization of cotton and as the first step in the manufacture of viscose and cellulose ethers … Useful english dictionary
cellulose xanthate — noun a cellulose ester obtained by treating cellulose with caustic soda • Syn: ↑viscose • Hypernyms: ↑cellulose ester, ↑xanthate • Substance Holonyms: ↑viscose rayon, ↑viscose * * * … Useful english dictionary
cellulose ether — noun : an ether (as ethyl cellulose or sodium carboxymethyl cellulose) made usually by etherification of alkali cellulose … Useful english dictionary
Cellulose [2] — Cellulose. Die zahlreichen Verbindungen der Cellulose mit Alkalien, Metalloxyden, Mineralsäuren und mit organischen Körpern sind von C. Piest [1] übersichtlich zusammengestellt worden. Aus dem Verhalten der Cellulose zur Salpetersäure läßt sich… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
alkali — ⇒ALCALI, ALKALI, subst. masc. A. Vx. Nom que l on donnait aux cendres d une plante marine dont on retirait la soude : • 1. ... Car, dès les temps anciens, les marchands de l Afrique Venaient des profondeurs du désert calciné; Ils apportaient des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ethyl cellulose — noun : any of various white granular tough thermoplastic substances made by ethylating alkali cellulose and used chiefly in making plastics and lacquers * * * Chem. an ethyl ether of cellulose, in the form of white granules obtained from the… … Useful english dictionary
ethyl cellulose — n. an ethyl ether of cellulose obtained as a white granular solid by treating wood pulp soaked in sodium hydroxide (alkali cellulose) with ethyl chloride: used in adhesives, plastics, insulation, etc … English World dictionary
sodium carboxymethyl cellulose — noun a gummy substance that is a sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose; used as a thickening or emulsifying agent • Hypernyms: ↑salt * * * noun : a gummy substance that is obtained as a hygroscopic powder or a granular solid by reaction of… … Useful english dictionary
benzyl cellulose — noun : any of various white granular thermoplastic substances made by benzylating alkali cellulose and used similarly to ethyl cellulose … Useful english dictionary
Carboxymethyl cellulose — Carboxymethyl cellulose, or CMC, is a cellulose derivative with carboxymethyl groups ( CH2 COOH) bound to some of the hydroxyl groups of the glucopyranose monomers that make up the cellulose backbone. Preparation It is synthesized by the alkali… … Wikipedia